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December Newsletter
Wishing you a very Happy New Year and we hope you had a safe and merry Holiday Season.
Dization is excited for 2022 and for our formal launch! We love providing value to small businesses and startups and look forward to working with you all in 2022 to help you manage and grow your business.
In this edition of the newsletter, we'll talk a bit about setting goals and how they can help you grow your small business or startup.
In the meantime, be sure to check out and click Get Started. The Beta Version of the Hub is out now and we are looking for your feedback!
Rob Santoro
Co-Founder & CEO
Setting Goals For Your Business
Setting Goals
It may sound obvious, but setting a goal for your business has measurable results, and not all business leaders know how best to set goals. Every business should set, at the very least, 3 basic goals:
  1. Sales Goal - How much do you intend to sell this year? Don't cheat and count the leftover sales from last year as sales this year. Set yourself up for success and put a line in the sand as to how much you want to sell. This will help you plan your resources accordingly as well as then help you develop your sales approach (which customers are you going to work with? When? What value and offerings are you going to offer them? etc.)  If you're in the R&D stage, don't be afraid to set this goal as $0.  At least you understand where you are at.
  2. Revenue Goal - How much work do you plan to complete and deliver to customers this year, in dollars? For some services businesses, this is usually some number less than your sales goal, as projects may take some time to complete. If your services are completed the same day as the sale, or if you sell physical products, this could be the same as your sales goal for the year.
  3. Profit Goal - How much money would you like to make this year, after the costs it takes to complete your work and business expenses? Without getting into finance rules here, you should have some idea as to how much money you can make (or how much money you plan to lose if you are an early-stage funded company).
There is no exact science to setting goals, but we do have a few tips:
  1. Don't Overshoot - Be sure to set goals that make sense for your business. For example, if last year you had $1M of revenue and grew 10%, assume that this year you will also grow 10% and set your revenue goal of $1.1M. You can stretch yourself a bit, and push yourself, which is always a good thing, and assume a 15-20% growth and give yourself a goal of say $1.2 - $1.3M in revenue, but don't get carried away and set a revenue goal of $10M. If it's not a realistic, achievable goal, it's almost the same as no goal as you cannot break that goal down into a series of actionable steps to achieve it.
  2. Don't Undershoot - Be sure you are challenging yourself enough. This may sound contrary to tip number 1, but it is also important that you challenge yourself with a realistic bit of growth. We always look at business as if you're not growing, then you're dying (this may not always be the case, but it's a good mantra to live by). Don't be happy with the status quo, you'll be surprised what you can accomplish by nudging yourself a bit. This nudge can be accomplished by setting a realistic goal. You know your business, you know what you can do to grow it. Go for it.
  3. Use Your Goals To Plan Your Actions - Once you have your yearly goals, each month sit down to determine what you need to do that month to achieve that goal. It's very likely that your goals won't be divided by 12, and that each month your goal may be a bit different. Treat each month as a stepping stone to get to your yearly goal. Understand how you wound up last month, and adjust your plan for the current month based on your performance. Whatever you do, don't set your goals and then put them away in a drawer. They should be front and center, visible, and communicated with the appropriate stakeholders in your company (in our view that's everyone, but you can decide who in your organization should understand the yearly goals). I like to print mine out and tape them on my desk or the wall in front of me. I want to see them every day.  
  4. Set and Adjust - Craft your goals based on what you know of your business, your projected customer base, what you know of your market, and, if you have it, your historical performance. However, goals are meant to be targets to shoot for. You need to remember that unknowns happen throughout the year and you have to be ready to adjust. Setting a high-level goal, then monthly breaking it down into sub-goals to determine how to achieve those goals is more beneficial than trying to plan out your entire year all at once. There's almost a 100% chance you will not wind up exactly on the number you set for your goals (if you are, let us all know how you did that!). No one can predict the future, but you can shape it based on the goals you set for yourself. If you need to adjust, learn from that. Why did you not hit the goal? What caused your adjustment? How can you do better in the future?  Why did you outperform your goal by that much, and can you repeat that?
Finally, have fun with it. Once you know where you want to go, enjoy the ride and be sure to appreciate the small wins along the way!
Looking For Feedback
Dization is ready for you! Before we build too much, we are looking for some savvy business leaders to give us a test run and let us know what you think.  What can we improve?  What works?  What doesn't work? Have we added any value?  Your input will help shape the future of the Dization Hub as well as the success of many businesses.
Sign-Up Here  ›
The Dization Hub
The Dization Hub is the one-stop for start-up and small business needs.  Connect all of your existing tools together so that you can get automatic analytics and information about your business in one spot. 
Don't fear making bad business decisions due to lack of information! 
View our YouTube Video
Website Refresh coming in January!
What We're Working On Next
  • Integrations - working with customers now to integrate different tools into the Hub.
  • Looking for partners to give us feedback on what we've built so far.
  • Sign-up and Setup Wizard to be complete in January
  • 2022 Refresh of the Website (hey, that was a lot work!)
Dization, Inc
© 2022 Dization, Inc.